Sunday, June 14, 2015

use of blood glucose or cho lesterol lowering medications or supp

use of blood glucose or cho lesterol lowering medications or supplements, corticoster oid use in the preceding 12 weeks. NSAID use 3 days week in the preceding 4 weeks. or a history of chronic ill ness. This study was approved by the Copernicus Group Independent Review Board and was conducted based on good clinical selleck compound practice guidelines. Informed written con sent was obtained from each participant before enroll ment in the study. Study design This study was a randomized, 12 week, open label, 2 arm trial conducted at the Functional Medicine Research Center in Gig Harbor, WA Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries from June 15, 2006 through November 20, 2006. Subjects who satisfied the inclusion criteria were randomized to 1 of 2 arms using a commercial software program, subjects were stratified by sex.

Participants from both arms were instructed to follow a modified Med iterranean style, low glycemic load diet and were provided with dietary guidelines, including a list of allow able foods, suggested Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries serving sizes and recipes. Subjects were asked to consume the diet until satisfied. Modified Mediterranean style low glycemic load diet The rationale for defining this dietary program as modi fied Mediterranean style, low glycemic load is that it includes a variety of low glycemic phytochemically rich foods. Not all Mediterranean style diets are low in glyc emic load, and not all low glycemic load diets are phytochemically Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries diverse. thus, we chose to leverage the benefits of both by combining them together. Specifically, Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries the diet used in this study is distinguishable from the classic Mediterranean diet in that it is limited in the number of servings of alcohol and, in particular, whole grain.

Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries Alcohol intake was kept to a minimum an optional 1 glass of red wine daily for all subjects. In the Mediterranean diet, several serv ings of grain are often advocated. however, based on the available literature and our experience with this dietary program in the past decade, we decided to limit whole grains to 1 serving daily. Riccardi et al. suggested that the standard Mediterranean diet may not be beneficial for individuals with insulin resistance due to the high carbo hydrate content. Additionally, in our own use of this pro gram, we found that reducing grain intake lowers cravings in many subjects. Moreover, Mediterranean like food items such as pizza and hard toasted bread have been shown to have glycemic responses similar to white bread.

Thus, one of the primary stipulations selleck chemicals llc for foods in this die tary program was to ensure that all items included were low in glycemic load. The glycemic index of foods most commonly eaten was 55, with occasional selection from a small category of phy tochemical rich vegetables with a moderate glycemic index. This diet is also notable in that it omits all forms of sweeteners except low glycemic agave nectar syrup and stevia.

use of blood glucose or cho lesterol lowering medications or supp

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